Immigration Services

CDETNO is Yellowknife’s main centre offering bilingual immigration services, acting as a conduit between immigrants seeking to enter the job market and employers looking for employees. CDETNO offers support services such as resume and cover letter writing, information on adapting/translating foreign employment or education standards to Canadian standards,  insight into the local job market, referrals and networking and much more.

CDETNO also offers Bilingual Support for Adaptation and School Integration Services for newcomers, students and their parents newly arrived in Canada (SWIS Program).

Fédération Franco-ténoise
The Fédération franco-ténoise (FFT) offers settlement services to francophone immigrants through its Centre d’accueil d’Immigration francophone in the NWT.

Aurora College
Aurora College offers free settlement services in English to newcomer permanent residents, refugees and live in caregiver.

Immigration Lawyers
Yellowknife-based law firms that deal with immigration include Field Law and McLennan Ross LLP.